Friday, May 29, 2009

What does "Hairyish" taste like?

Ashton's new must have before bed is a drink of water. Last week I had left his cup in his room and it still had a little bit of water in it, I thought that he would drink the rest of it that night because he likes to wander. Then of course I forgot about it and a few days later he drank it while we were getting ready for Family Prayer. He came over drinking his water and he said, "Hmmm...that tastes hairyish." Jeff and I just looked at eachother and laughed. This kid says the funniest things. (I'm sure the water had that dusty taste it gets if it's left out.)
This picture was taken at Dallen's B-day party. This is the signature growl.....and yes that is frosting on his head :).

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