Monday, October 12, 2009

"I looked out the Window and What Did I See"

Well it wasn't popcorn....It was something better. "Uncle Ronnie", came home from serving his mission for a little over 2 years. Most of these little cuties were babies, or not even born yet (Kinsey). Ashton and Livi were the only ones old enough to remember him, but you wouldn't have known that. All of these kiddos were excited to see him. Aunt Mandy even made everyone these cute matching outfits. They were the best looking kids around. :)

And there he is stepping off the plane. We were all so excited to see him. Uncle Ronnie was in every one of Ashton's prayers from the day he left to....well...he still is. There were lots of hugs and some happy tears shed. It was a great weekend and we are so glad to have him home safe and sound.

1 people know I love comments.:

Kimber said...

Fun! I love the matching shirts! I am excited to see Ronnie too, we are hoping to make it this weekend. We are having our primary program in 2 weeks and practicing this sunday (I am the chorister), so I'm hoping the primary pres. will be ok with me going. It would be great to see Ronnie again!