Thursday, January 24, 2008

Arizona for New Years

This is Dallen's first time in a swing. This is in Aunt Sally's backyard, in December. We were so happy to get out of the snow and into some nicer weather.
Ashton and Aunt Jamie were a little tired after that long drive. They were snuggled up on the couch for quite some time. It was soooo cute.
Dallen scooted himself back into the corner. That was the most he had moved himself ever. Now he scoots all over the place. No crawling yet though.
This is Ashton and Olivia on New Year's Eve around 8:00pm. We did a little celebration with the kids and then put them to bed. It was a little chilly outside but Jeff and Uncle Darren got some poppers that we had to do outside.
Before bed we tried to get a picture of all the kids together. This is all we could get to hold still, and Mason was only there for a split second. Dallen was the only one that would listen. (Ha, Ha)

2 people know I love comments.:

Sally said...

We miss you guys! Come back. We still haven't taken the toddler bed down in Livi's room and every time she sees it she asks where Ashton is.

Mandy and Kalen said...

I wish that Kalen, Kinsey and I would have been able to come. We were almost on our way but decided that it was TOO long of a trip for little Kinsey. Besides, she had just survived a long trip to and from Green River!

We love and miss you guys! Hopefully we'll see ya this weekend!