Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tough little Man

Yesterday we were at the park and Ashton fell on the stairs, splitting is eyebrow pretty bad. After some encouragement from my mother and a few others I took him to the ER. This was our first stitches. He had to be sedated and that was maybe the worst part for me :). I caught glimpses of what was going on, but I couldn't watch. I just held his hands (adrianna had his feet). He got 6 stitches on the inside and 7 on the outside. Whenever he sees it he just says "oh" :) he is more concerned about the shot he had to get to be sedated.

This morning I asked him how he was doing and if he wanted to see his owie. He looked and then he said, " Don't worry mom, I'm not sad." What a tough little man.

1 people know I love comments.:

Sally said...

OH NO!!!! That looks so painful. Good job Ashton, you are tough stuff. We love you!