Friday, April 18, 2008

I can Have 3 Kids...

in this car that is. Before we bought this car I told Jeff that it had to be able to fit three carseats, especially since kiddies have to stay in boosters until they are 8 now. He assured me that we could, but I still didn't believe him. I guess he was right. I should really give him more credit. Shhh.. don't tell him I said that.

3 people know I love comments.:

Katie Dotson said...

Jen, I love your new hair-do! You look so smokin! We miss you and your cute Cooper boys. Can't wait to see you at state track next month. Unless you want to come down to suny St. George and go shopping again. It would be tons of fun!

Sally said...

Jen, I LOVE your hair! You seriously look awesome. Jeff is so lucky...he married WAY out of his league (hehe love ya jeffy). I am impressed that you got all of those kids in the back seat. They look like they are havin' quite the party. Oh and I love your blog face lift. I am ready for a change too!

Mandy and Kalen said...

That was rather funny! Sure beat having to drive around in two seperate cars eh? The picture I have Ashton is SO sad...