Friday, June 6, 2008

Tagged by Sally

I hope you all know how hard it is for me to think of answers to these questions. But it is kind of fun. I hope you all learn something new about me. Enjoy.

How To Play: Post these rules on your blog. List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the
end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!

3 Joys:
1. Hanging out with all of my boys. They can always make me laugh, and they are so fun to play with.
2. Running/working out. I love the way I feel afterwards. It is such a stress reliever. (During is not always the greatest.)
3. I love it when Jeff sings to me. Whenever he sings at a function a few people always come up to me and say "Oh, your so lucky. Does he sing like that to you all the time?" I am happy to say yes he does. The best is when there are Mom's with single daughters that don't know he is married. They always ask him if he is.

3 Fears:
1. Dogs. It's not just a fear it's a phobia. I get anxiety if there is a dog that I don't know anywhere near me. It really is ridiculous.
2. Outside dark. I have to clarify because I'm not scared of the dark inside. I think I am more afraid of wild animals in the dark.
3. Usually I would have said needles, but after being pregnant with Dallen and the diabetes and everything I'm think that I am over guess I will have to say Q-tips. (That one is just to tease Katie...but they can cause hearing loss.)

3 Goals:
1. Stop being a procrastinator.
2. Be a better Home-Maker.
3. Help my kids be as prepared for life as they can be.

3 Current Obsessions/Collections:
1. Getting my home and yard remodeling done.
2. I seem to have a good collection of children's toys going on at my house.
3. I also have a wonderful collection of mismatched socks. That one might be my favorite.

3 Random Surprising Facts About ME!!
1. I was a math club away from being a nerd in High School. I have all the qualifications: History club, FBLA, Yearbook, Newspaper, Science Club, Sterling Scholar, and I got an academic scholarship. Those of you that went to small schools will understand. And I wasn't in all those things at once, but most of them.
2. This one might actually surprise people I went to High School with, but I only kissed 3 people in High School. I went on a lot of dates, but I wasn't a loose kisser like some of you were, you know who you are.
3. After my first date with Jeff we didn't go out again for 2 months, even though I moved into his building and I was still hanging out with his friends. The surprising part is I actually chased him, a little bit, in my own way. I never chased. One night I came home from hot-tubbing with some friends and I just happened to be walking up right when he was getting to his house with a date. Back in the day I wore a two piece swim suit. Well I purposely put my towel around my waiste instead of up to my shoulders, scandalous I know. I asked him later after we were married for a while if he remembered that night, and I guess it worked because he did remember, and we went out again not long after that.

2 people know I love comments.:

Mandy and Kalen said...

You are SO funny! Where do I begin...

Ok.. Q-Tips? Yeah, Katie is weird... she is REALLY scared of cotton balls!

And I KNOW you were talking about your husband and Sally when you said, "loose kisser!" Sally gave them away like lollipops! You weren't talking about me because I have only kissed 2 people...

I LOVE the scandle of Jeff on a date! You are SO funny! That is totally something I would have done back in the day, well... actually I would have just dropped the towel all together! Way to go Jen! I have never been more thankful for a scandle!

Katie Dotson said...

I know you don't really believe that Mandy was that innocent in high school. I can count way more then 2 and I don't even know if I know them all. There could be quite a few more then I know of. Oh PLEASE Mandy! Do you think we are all stupid? Do you need me to start naming them? And there isn't anything wierd about my fear of cotton balls. They are terrible! And just so you know Jen, I'm not that fond of Q-tips as well. They make me gag! Well, Q-tips don't make me gag but using them does.