Wednesday, May 27, 2009

On Dallen's Birthday we had a little get together with all of our family that lives around here. Ashton insisted that Dallen wanted a football cake so.... That's what he got.

Can you tell how much he loves cake :)

He did use a fork a little bit, but I think he thinks that you use your hands for birthday cake.
All the b-day presents were a hit....with all the kids.

It is a good sign when your kids still play with the toys a couple weeks after their birthday. He had a good time.

But of course the best present was also the cheapest. You can't go wrong with balloons. I couldn't even get him to hold still for 3 seconds to get a pic that wasn't blurry....I guess I should have changed it to action mode.

For the last month whenever Dallen has seen a cake he would sing the "Happy Birthday" Song. All we could get this time was. "Birthday to you fwooo (Blowing out the candle noise)" He was so excited about his cake.

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