Sunday, February 7, 2010

1~29~10....The Story of Brielle

We arrived at the hospital around 7:30AM on Friday January 29, 2010. I realized I didn't have any pictures of my pregnant belly so we took a quick shot.
Our last hug as parents of 2. We were both very excited and only a little nervous. The docter came and broke my water around 8:30 or 9:00 I'm not sure. The contractions started to be fairly regular right away. By the time they started the pitocin I was already in labor. About 10:15 the contractions started to get pretty bad and I was ready for an epidural. The anesthesiologist was in surgery so they told me I would have to wait until he was done. I was starting to get nervous because everything was happening so fast. Direct quote from me, "I think the contractions are too close together." The nurse kinda just laughed that one off. Luckily a half an hour later a different anesthesiologist came in. He was on his way home when he heard about me so he came back to save the day :). The epidural was in and done around 11:00AM. Around 11:20 I started pushing. It was literally 3 contractions and there she was. The best delivery ever. She was born at 11:29AM.

After 4 hours at the hospital there she was with her proud Daddy.
And her happy, tired, relieved, proud Mommy.
She weighed 7lbs 11oz and was 20 inches long. We named her Brielle Coleen Cooper. Her middle name is very special because she is named after both of her awesome Grandma's. Ni"cole" and Kath"leen". In case you are wondering about how to pronounce it "Bree-Elle" and "Coe-Leen".

When Ashton first saw her he said, "She's so Beautiful". He absolutely loves her. He is going to be a great big brother.

Dallen was so excited to hold her. He loves his baby sister so much. He gets so concerned whenever she cries. He is also going to be a great big brother.

This is how the boys entertained themselves later on that night at the hospital. Don't worry we didn't make them stay there all day. This was their second time back. Oh and no one was hurt :).

P.S. I just wanted to give a shout out to my nurses and docter. They were all so great and took such good care of us. Thank You!

2 people know I love comments.:

Sally said...

Thank you thank you thank you for posting the story. She is gorgeous. I just can't wait to see her. PS Your hair is so cute! I love you guys!

Kayc said...

What a great story! She is beautiful! We need to come see you! I hope you are feeling well! Talk to you soon!