Sunday, August 10, 2008

Big Birthday's

We had two big birthdays in the last week, and 4 parties. As you can imagine we have lots of pictures. Ashton turned 3 on the 2nd and Jeff turned, get ready for it, 30 on the 6th. We had a lot of fun and a lot of cake. I did a basketball cake with the help of Grandma Kathleen, she cooked I decorated. Ashton still loves to play basketball so I thought it would be perfect.
He got some new boots from grandma and grandpa cooper.
Jeff's friend Gaylen and his family came over to the park for Ashton's party. We were supposed to go swimming, but the weather didn't cooperate. I don't think the kids really minded that much they loved playing around at the park.
This is left to right: Berkley, Allie, and Ashton. Those are Gaylen and Becky's kids. We try and get together with them whenever we can.
Here is Jeff at his surprise party. For all of our efforts, (mine and his mom's), it didn't work out so well. The food was awesome thanks to Jeff's parents. Unfortunately, no one besides Gaylen and Becky were able to come. (By the way they are awesome.) Last minute cancellations seemed to be a trend. Oh and I lost the three candle so all he had was a "0". Thank you Aunt Kay and Uncle Tom for the use of your house, beautiful as always. Thanks to Mom and Dad Cooper, I couldn't have done it without you. As for me, it's the thought that counts isn't it?

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