Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day

In Altamont today they dedicated the new Upper Country Veteran's Memorial. In the bricks of the Memorial are carved the names of living and passed on Veteran's that served from the Altamont area. Glen Hershal Iorg happens to be my Great Grandfather. The program was filled with lots of emotion. Jeff sang the National Anthem, which was perfect of course. (I love to hear him sing.) There were speaches from numerous people all of which brought a tear to my eye. The children from the elementary school sang the songs that represent each division of the armed forces, while also raising the flag for each division. The announcer had every person that had served in the corresponding division (ie: Army, Navy, National Gaurd, Marines) stand up while their song was performed. It was so awesome to see those that had served our country.

At the beginning of the program they had a Black Hawk, and an Apache helicopter fly over the crowd. It was pretty cool. If you don't believe me look at these faces...

These boys were mesmorized by the helicopters. It was just as fun to watch them as it was to see the helicopters.

Adrianna was in the Elementary school choir so we met her after the program.

Ashton thought the helicopters were the coolest thing and he loved talking to the soldiers. The pilots of the helicopters were so nice. They let the kids pretend to drive. The reason we were able to get these Helicopters here is Tammy Mitchell, so thank you Tammy. She is from Altamont but stationed in Idaho right now. She is also a distant cousin of mine.

Dallen was a little bit nervous when he was close to the helicopters. In this pic Daddy was a little bit too close.

Here is our family on Veteran's Day. Of course Jeff and I are the only ones smiling and Dallen had to keep his eye on the helicopter to make sure it wouldn't fly off.

We are so proud of the Veteran's that have served from our families. Great Grandpa Killian who served in the Navy. Great Grandpa Iorg who served in the Army. Jeff's Grandpa Bulkley who also served in the Navy. These men made today even more emotional especially with the passing of Grandpa Bulkley 2 years ago. It is an honor to remember him on this day. Thank you to all that have served our country honorably.

5 people know I love comments.:

Marci said...

That is awesome. I wish I could have been there. Three of my family members had bricks. Two grandpa's and one uncle. They make me so proud to be an American.

Nicole Iorg said...

What a great day that was! It still brings a tear to my eyes. I hope that memorial lasts forever and the kids keep it sacrosanct.(building my vocab. :) )

Tara said...

It was a very exciting day! Dylyn thought the helicopters were very cool! Also Jeff did an amazing job on the National Anthem!

Deidra said...

Wow, I heard it was amazing and from the pictures it looks amazing. I too am proud to be an American. Thanks for the pictures for us who couldnt be there.

AD said...

that day was soooo much fun!!!!!!! Me and my friend raquel were bursting out with tears and people were laghing at us. well one day those people will cry to.those helicopters were sooo cool i bet that ashton was just haveing so much fun in it.