Friday, February 13, 2009

~My Valentines~

For this Valentines Day I wanted to take a minute to tell all of my Valentines how much I love them and why I love them so much. I am a pretty lucky girl. Why I love Jeff:
He is my best friend. He is willing to do anything for me at anytime. He never says no when I ask him for a back rub almost everynight. (It started when I was pregnant with Ashton and now I am addicted.) He takes care of all the manly stuff around the house. He even cleans up all the really gross stuff for me. He goes to work even if he is sick so he can take care of us. He has a great sense of humor. I love to hear him sing. He always makes me feel special, and pretty, and loved. We can talk about anything. He is a great Daddy. He has special things that he does with the boys everyday, they love it. He is outgoing and makes and keeps friends so easily. He is a great example. Everyone always teases that I am the reason we have cute kids, but they look just like their handsome Daddy. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to spend eternity with and I am so happy that I was worthy to have him for myself. I love You Jeff with all my heart and I always will.

Why I love Ashton:
Where to start with this little man. He makes me laugh everyday. He is a sweetheart. He is a handsome dude. He will always randomly say, "Mommy, I like you." or "I love you." He has awesome Kungfu moves. He loves his little brother. When they are playing and Dallen will go off another way Ashton will say, "Dallen I'm over here." When they play fight Ashton is always gentle with Dallen, even though he knows he could knock him down in a second and sometimes he even lets Dallen knock him down. He has a great imagination. He can melt you with his smile. He loves to say the prayer, (he hardly lets someone else do and when we do he says his own anyway.) He is outgoing and social just like his Daddy. He calls everyone his friend. One day after nursery he had a bruise on his face and when I asked him what happened he said that one of the kids had thrown a car at him and then he told me he was his friend. He is a good snuggler. I love you Ashton.

Why I love Dallen:
This kid is so funny. He too makes me laugh everyday. He gets so excited about everything. When we play Mario Kart he loves to be King Boo, (what kid loves scary looking ghosts). When I win he says, "You did it." He is growing and learning so fast. He is so independant. He has been feeding himself since before he could walk. (He didn't walk until 15 months, so don't be too surprised.) He loves to run around after his brother. Please was one of his first words and he still says please whenever he wants something. He is a very handsome little man. He loves to give me tackle hugs. (He will spread his arms out and then run full spead towards me and hug me. In a couple years they are going to take me out with those hugs.) He plays like he is the same size as Ashton. He has the best mischevious looks. He gives lots of kisses before bed. He loves being tickled. He is a good friend to his big brother and wants to be just like him.
I feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world to have these three handsome guys taking care of me everyday. I hope that this Valentines Day everyone can let the ones they love know they love them. It is so important to feel the love of others. I want all of my Iorg family and Cooper family (That includes extended family: grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins, nieces/nephews) that I love you all so much. I really have been blessed in this life.

(PS: This is my 100th post since June 2007. What a great way to spend a 100th post.)

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