Thursday, August 27, 2009

Check This Out

I have some super talented sis-in-laws. They have started a crafting blog that I think is great. If you like to be inspired by others crafting and get great ideas you should check them out. They also have Etsy shops where you can purchase the things they are working on.

These are some dolls, I mean Action Figures that Sally sent Ashton for his birthday. They are super cute and the boys love them. She also makes princesses and does custom families or whatever you would want....(I think).

My other sis Mandy does the cutest invitations and announcements you will ever see. If you have a party, wedding, or announcement coming up you should definitely check her out. She does a great job and has reasonable prices.

So here are the sites you need to go to:
The Blog:
Sally's Etsy Shop:
Mandy's Etsy Shop:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

You are Never Alone

I was really moved by this video today. I felt like I should post it for someone who may not have seen it otherwise.

I want everyone to know that they are never alone. I know that there are always going to be hills and valleys, we can't prevent them. We can surround ourselves with good people that we know will always be there to cheer us on. I hope that I can be the kind of person that is a good "cheerleader". So to everyone, keep going, you are doing great, I know you can do it, and if you ever need a helping hand let me know.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Who is Watching These Kids Anyway

Apparently it is not me. First I heard rustling in the silverware drawer so I yell into the kitchen that they better stay out of that drawer. Still I heard no voices. So I figured I better go see what is going on. I see them pouring this...... into their cups.

Ashton needed a spoon for his.

Dallen just drank his powder right out of the cup. You can't really tell in this picture, but he has a chocolate powder mustache.
Suprisingly the mess was minimal. Crazy kids. Guess thats what I get for not putting lunch away fast enough.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Quick Camping Trip

We went up to Wolf Creek Camp Ground on Friday July 31st in the afternoon and left Saturday morning around 9:30. Jeff didn't even get to the campground until after 10:00 on Friday night because he had to work. Even though it was a very short camping trip I am so glad we went. The boys had a blast and we got to spend some time with my Aunt Rene and most of her family and my Aunt Debra and most of her family.

This was Dallen's very first camping trip and it didn't take him long to start doing this....
Which turned into this..... And later this.....
The boys were so happy when my cousins showed up. They are my cousins, but my boys will probably claim them as their's. Ashton and Riley especially had a great time. They were fighting ghosts with these sticks running all over the place.
We ended with a nice breakfast. They must have been hungry because they actually sat still for a few minutes to eat.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

He's My Man and I'll Brag if I Want to.......

Ha Ha...., but really it is Jeff Birthday today and I wanted to share his talent with all of you. I really think he is the greatest. Ashton, Dallen and I (along with many others) can listen to Jeff sing all day. But today he has to listen to us sing, "Happy Birthday".

Today is Jeff's birthday and as many of you know when you become an adult your birthday's just aren't the same. Toys turn into electronics and motorized things, hey I guess that one isn't bad, is it Jeff ;). You have to work all day, and your mom isn't there to pamper you. Instead you have a 4 year old that remembers your birthday all year and the first thing he wants to do when he wakes up is call you to wish you a happy birthday. And a 2 year old that talks a little but one of the best things he said today was happy birthday. (It really was one of the cutest things.) Oh and you have a wife to pamper you instead, (Yeah Right, is what he is thinking, but hey I will try.) I guess being an adult isn't so bad after all.

We love you Jeff. You are the best Daddy and Husband. I know a lot of other people think you are the best Son, Brother, Son-in-Law, Grandson, ect.

Happy Birthday!!!

Ashton is 4!!!

Ashton's birthday started on Saturday because Granpa Jimmy and Grandma Kathleen were out for UBIC, but unfortunately couldn't stay for his birthday and weren't going to see him on his birthday so he got some presents on Saturday night. When he woke up on Sunday he said, "Mom can I open my presents?" I of course said no honey you have to wait until this afternoon when we have cake. Then he said, "No mom my presents from last night." He was so cute. He was excited for primary because they were going to sing to him. Sunday morning I made his cake. Those spoons were full of frosting. It is kindof a tradition around here.
I should have had my camera on action shots because all my pics were blurry. There is just to much excitement when it comes to birthdays, the same thing happened with most of Dallen's pics.

This is the only present that Ashton asked for. It is called "Helmet Heroes" and he loves it. He was really spoiled this year. He loves everything that he got. Thanks everyone for helping to make a happy 4 year old.

And how could we have a birthday with out a cake face from Dallen. Gotta love him!