Sunday, August 23, 2009

You are Never Alone

I was really moved by this video today. I felt like I should post it for someone who may not have seen it otherwise.

I want everyone to know that they are never alone. I know that there are always going to be hills and valleys, we can't prevent them. We can surround ourselves with good people that we know will always be there to cheer us on. I hope that I can be the kind of person that is a good "cheerleader". So to everyone, keep going, you are doing great, I know you can do it, and if you ever need a helping hand let me know.

3 people know I love comments.:

Unknown said...
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Katie Dotson said...

Thanks sis. You don't know how much I needed to hear that today. You are always there for me and I love you.

Sally said...

That is awesome Jen! I love you!