Thursday, August 13, 2009

Quick Camping Trip

We went up to Wolf Creek Camp Ground on Friday July 31st in the afternoon and left Saturday morning around 9:30. Jeff didn't even get to the campground until after 10:00 on Friday night because he had to work. Even though it was a very short camping trip I am so glad we went. The boys had a blast and we got to spend some time with my Aunt Rene and most of her family and my Aunt Debra and most of her family.

This was Dallen's very first camping trip and it didn't take him long to start doing this....
Which turned into this..... And later this.....
The boys were so happy when my cousins showed up. They are my cousins, but my boys will probably claim them as their's. Ashton and Riley especially had a great time. They were fighting ghosts with these sticks running all over the place.
We ended with a nice breakfast. They must have been hungry because they actually sat still for a few minutes to eat.

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