Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ashton is 4!!!

Ashton's birthday started on Saturday because Granpa Jimmy and Grandma Kathleen were out for UBIC, but unfortunately couldn't stay for his birthday and weren't going to see him on his birthday so he got some presents on Saturday night. When he woke up on Sunday he said, "Mom can I open my presents?" I of course said no honey you have to wait until this afternoon when we have cake. Then he said, "No mom my presents from last night." He was so cute. He was excited for primary because they were going to sing to him. Sunday morning I made his cake. Those spoons were full of frosting. It is kindof a tradition around here.
I should have had my camera on action shots because all my pics were blurry. There is just to much excitement when it comes to birthdays, the same thing happened with most of Dallen's pics.

This is the only present that Ashton asked for. It is called "Helmet Heroes" and he loves it. He was really spoiled this year. He loves everything that he got. Thanks everyone for helping to make a happy 4 year old.

And how could we have a birthday with out a cake face from Dallen. Gotta love him!

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