Monday, August 30, 2010

7 Months

Wow...Brielle is 7 months old!!! Time really flies! Here are a few stats and facts on the baby girl.

This is how she comforts herself. No binkies for this girl...she won't keep them in her mouth. So you will see her like this if she is upset or bored in any way :)
She is getting to be very curious. Always reaching for anything she can get her hands on.
Why let mommy take pictures when she can watch her bros...she loves to watch her brothers play. They are very entertaining!

They both still love her to death. Again I couldn't get a pic with Dallen because that boy just won't hold still for two seconds.

She is a very good eater. Her favorite is peaches, but she still spits up all the time. Her Dr. calls her a happy spitter :) I guess thats better than a mad spitter :) Either way we always smell like baby spit up!

(Sorry for the graphic picture!)

Oh she finally held still long enough for me to do this!!! I was pretty excited about it. I've been wanting to braid her mohawk for quite some time ;)

She is pretty happy most of the time and she can sit up all by herself for the past month.

She has two teeth and her favorite sound to make is the motor sound with her tongue :)

At her 6 month checkup she weighed in at 16 lb 1oz. Her length was 25 1/2 inches and she is perfectly healthy and we are so grateful for that!

3 people know I love comments.:

kinah said...

so cute... :)

Spirited Archon said...

Ah the baby is adorable. I would love to read what you've included but the red background is distracting & my poor eyesight is a pain! Anyway, both of them have such beautiful eyes & honest smiles!

Aisling said...

She is so cute! Absolutely adorable! I love little kids.