Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Jeff's New Toys

I am being forced to say that the Jeep is actually for my birthday. No, but it really is our new family vehicle. (Yes that is snow you can see in the background, can you believe that!)
He got the bike so he could ride it to work. His place of employment is only about 15 miles away and the bike gets 80 mpg, awesome. (My dad says it will be good for changing sprinklers.) Too bad it is too cold to ride it right now. He has taken it to work once.
The car really is fun. It is fun to drive and I can drive anywhere I want. I won't get stuck at my house anymore. My car got stuck 4 times just in front of my house. Dallen and Jeff are the most excited about the Jeep. Whenever Dallen get near the car he gets excited. I'm not sure why, but he loves it.

4 people know I love comments.:

Mandy and Kalen said...

Cute blog template!

Oh- and Jeff... you KNOW you better get her something GREAT for her birthday because she deserves something REALLY big! I mean HUGE! You are SO spoiled!

Well, love you guys and I love the new car... it reminds me of a Hummer. Anyways, I am rambling and I'm tired so I'm going to bed! Have fun...Blah...Blah...Blah... Love ya!

Katie Dotson said...

Ok I am soooo jealous! Jen, I bet you look hot in the jeep. You will definetly get hit on some more.

Sally said...

Oh Jeffy...no really though. I am sure that the jeep is awesome in snow. Jen, you better remind him that it is yours when he wants to take it. I miss you guys!

Sally said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I love your new background.