Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Grandma's House

Please don't eat that rock Dallen. He loves eating anything he can get his hands on lately. He loves it when we can play outside.
Ashton and grandma tried to fly a kite first, they got it up a little bit and for a little while, but grandpa proved that he was the professional.
Here is Ashton flying the kite. He loved running to chase the kite and watching it fly. Grandpa was a good sport. We even played a little baseball this day.

Ashton and Dallen love to read stories. Grandma would just read one story after the other and they never budged.
We love our Grandparents, they are the greatest.

1 people know I love comments.:

Sally said...

The only thing that Olivia prayed for last night was Ashton...that's it! She can't wait to see him. I wish we lived closer...we'd have so much fun!